A New Look With Zend Framework
17 Oct 2007
Finally got around to updating the site to use the Zend Framework and in the process decided to update the design as well.
My reason for using Zend Framework is mainly that the idea of loosely coupled components fit my thinking perfectly. I love how I am able to use only the parts that I like and being able to easily integrate existing code. I want something flexible enough to not run into walls or find myself bending over backwards trying to make this or that framework do what I want the way I like it. Also I am absolutely amazed at how far they’ve come in the short time they’ve been building on this and I have high hopes for future versions.
I took the liberty of removing some stale sections of the website, notably the desktops and images of Cambodia. I am in the process of uploading photos to Flickr and plan on pulling in the best. For now, they are viewable at my Flickr account. The about section has been updated as well as the content of the sidebars. I am also experimenting with using Twitter for short posts not worthy of a regular entry. They are currently displayed in between, sorted by date. More information on the about page.
And now, back to real work and (hopefully) interesting posts :)